Who we are?

We are an ever-expanding network of Cambridge neighborhood residents, workers, and activists - individuals and organizations who have been brought together in the service of a vision of a Cambridge that works for all and is truly livable and welcoming for those who have been displaced or historically excluded. The center of our work is one essential component of this - housing justice.

We are building a world where housing is for people, not for profit. We are building a world of truly affordable housing that keeps no-, low-, and moderate-income community members and people of color in Cambridge, and stabilizes and supports our communities.

Read our Housing Plan in the "Our Plan" tab!

Our Working Groups are:

  • Creating an Office of Housing Stability

  • City Housing Vouchers, as has been done in Boston

  • Using public land for social housing

  • Community Land Trusts

  • Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH, as has been done in Boston)

  • Rent Control